Cruising and Losing


Lucky me I’m on a River Cruise at the moment with AMA Waterways travelling through Amsterdam, Cologne and Rudesheim visiting all the fabulous Christmas markets along the way.  You probably already know I’m a fashion and beauty writer but I’m also a travel writer.

Anyhoo, when I heard I was being sent on a river cruise one of the first things I thought was how will I be able to manage to control myself with unlimited amounts of food AND wine at my fingertips and hips!  Anyone I know that’s been on a cruise talks about how they gain weight.  So how can a person still enjoy a cruise and yet not pack on the usual ten to fifteen pounds?

DietDeli is the way to go although I have to admit the first night I, um, pushed the boat out! I fell off the wagon, in fact I jumped right off it … if only that damn wagon was bloody bigger and had seatbelts to strap me in!  But DietDeli has taught me that if you slip up, don’t beat yourself up about it.  It’s what you do after you’ve slipped up that makes all the difference.

If you over indulge, recognise you have and then get back on track as quickly as you can.  Next day I felt horrid and actually relished going back to my routine of a Chocolate Shake for brekkie and a Crispy Graham Fudge bar.  I’d packed all my Diet Deli food and so for breakfast I would join everyone and have that and some coffee.  The same with lunch and then for dinner I ate a normal meal but made sensible choices.

It’s the only way to limit your calorie intake when it comes to what you are going to eat.  We all know that burgers and buns really pack on the pounds so are best avoided.  I also stuck to writing everything down in my journal and re-read all my DietDeli lessons to keep me motivated.  Oh yes I also drank litres of water.

This has stopped me from obsessing about calories and worrying about portion sizes etc. as it means I’m in control.  After all, stress has been shown in many studies to cause retention of belly fat.

So thank you DietDeli for helping me keep cruising and losing!


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2 Responses to “Cruising and Losing”

  1. Kate - DietDeli Says:

    Well done Triona. You are almost at the end of your 8th week. Alot of people give up after 4! We all have ups and downs along the way. xxx

  2. chara Says:

    Well done you! The joy of losing weight yet not hungry!! Novelty. 🙂

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